ZendGuard Yum download

I am trying to load the ZendGaurd distribution from Freepbx with this:

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ -N http://yum.schmoozecom.net/schmooze-commercial/schmooze-commercial.repo

yum clean all

yum -y install php-5.3-zend-guard-loader sysadmin fail2ban incron

When I try the last line I get
’Cannot retrieve repository (repomd.xml) for repository: schmooze-commercial’

This is the REPO that it downloaded.
Schmooze Commercial Packages

I am running 2.11.02 on Ubuntu 12.04 server. Not a Distro


Well Ubunto does not use yum packages so that will never work. The Commercial modules are only supported on Centos/Redhat builds

for Ubuntu (or those using apt-get distro or server)

you have to go to zend site and with registering you download a tar.gz

now extract and put the ZendGuardLoader.so file in this location /usr/lib/php5/20100525/

go to /etc/php5/apache2/ open the php.ini in editor and paste this line of code at line:355


from terminal service apache2 restart

this should solve the problem. If you need the /usr/sbin/incrond file

simply run this from terminal

apt-get install incron

now you should be able to run commercial modules on ubuntu :slight_smile:
*to edit these files run from new terminal
sudo nautilus

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This still will not work as you NEED the sysadmin RPM and that is a package for CentOS only and we have no plans for Debian support for this or any commercial modules.

But you might also well need alien to convert the rpm wrapped software to apt wrapped versions.