Xmpp chat not working

I have followed all the instructions I could find to get xmpp chat working in freepbx. Module admin shows version installed. Under Admin/XMPP I am using localhost for domain. Chat window shows Status:Connect from every user. When you click on a user’s name to chat you get a browser message that says: “Error Requesting Page https://cdn.rawgit.com/yuku-t/jquery-textcomplete/v1.3.4/dist/jquery.text_=1606774190865
-I have restarted the server
-I have experimented with changing the domain name
-I have tried different browsers
-messages do not transfer back and forth between chat windows.
Any idea what else I could try?

So I tried logging in to the chat client as 1121@localhost and now I get a different message “There was an error, see the console log for more details”. When I check the xmpp log, I see this.

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