Which codec?

I often wish I could find out which codec has been used in a particular call.
Might it be possible to capture the codec details in the asterisk cdr table at userfield ?


Please take a look at this: http://issues.freepbx.org/browse/FREEPBX-5120

and the page they refer to, http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cdr+mysql .

It’s definitely doable since it was part of the example they gave…

Now how to do what you want depends on where it’s done…

If it’s part of FreePBX and not custom code it seems very easy to do, they are even currently doing it right now…

(But not for this field…)

If however it’s custom code then I guess you need to find how to hook into the current code.

My guess is that it would require you to create your own contexts for your trunk and your extensions and calling the original contexts once you have initialized what you want to initialize but there’s possibly an easier way, I have not played with this for long enough to know…

Good luck and have a nice day!


Looking at this made me realize that one of the things I was suggesting to do when we had UTF-8 issues was actually a lot easier to do than I thought…