Where to get DID and service

I’ve got the VMWare virtual machine which I thought was PBX In A Flash, but the name displays as “Incredible PBX 2027-U”. I used to run it about a decade ago. But the company I had a Vitelity account for no longer has that account and they are not issuing new ones. Where today can one get a DID and service affordably for businesses that host their own? I appreciate your recommendations.

Sip Station and Clearly Trunking Both tightly integrate in to FreePBX with minimal effort.

IncrediblePBX is the successor of PBX in a Flash. If you have IncrediblePBX 2027-U, that is the Ubuntu version of the most current IncrediblePBX. IncrediblePBX uses open source modules from FreePBX as the GUI. You can find additional recommendations for SIP providers at the IncrediblePBX wiki: Incredible PBX Wiki | Services

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