What is the timeline for FreePBX v16 to SFO to EOL?

So when will there be an official announcement/plan in regards to FreePBX v16 going to Security Fixes Only (SFO) and its eventual move to End of Life (EOL)?

I get that not having an announcement or timeline lets Sangoma slide on when it will really happen but that just leaves the entire community in a lurch. Since there is no upgrade path from v16 to v17 it means that anyone migrating from v16 (or lower) to v17 must build new systems or have downtime if they want to reuse the same system.

It would really suck for someone to spend the time and money to setup everything on FreePBX v16 right now only to find out in the next 3 months that it is SFO and going to be EOL within a year.

So @kgupta, @ncorbic when can we expect an official timeline on the remaining life span of FreePBX v16?

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Hey @BlazeStudios

We will maintain two versions concurrently: FreePBX v16 and FreePBX v17. Historically, we have supported and developed two active versions until a next major release is launched. Therefore, both v16 and v17 will continue to receive active support and development until the next major release is ready. Also like to highlight that FreePBX 16 is currently running on CentOS 7.9 based distro which is EOLed so Freepbx 16 will not get any OS updates , it just the Freepbx software will continue to be supported.

Best Regards

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