What Does This Setting Affect?

Currently reviewing the settings on my FreePBX instance, and encountered this page:

Not to ask the dumb question, but what does the section titled “Proxy Settings” change? Does it send all network traffic from the instance through a proxy server? Does it only affect the GUI/UCP?

Just trying to understand it, because I couldn’t find any documentation on it :frowning: Maybe my Google-fu is rubbish?

It’s only for outbound traffic from the server but doesn’t apply to voice/video traffic.

The real problem here is the documentation for Advanced Settings doesn’t appear to have been updated in over a decade. Even the download for the PDF manual is at least 14 years old (published in 2013). The wiki lacks any changes made over that time.

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Thank you for letting me know.

If I’m running FreePBX from behind a reverse proxy, should I change those settings?

No idea. There may be some here who have done this and can chime in.

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No, the reverse proxy should best handle inbound/outbound call routing and tls if desired