WebRTC option missing from UCP

Using 32bit, Stable-6.12.65, FreePBX 12, Asterisk 11.

When I go to User Management, select a user and look for the Enable WebTC option that ‘should’ be at the bottom of the user settings list it isn’t there.

I have all the pre-reqs installed and enabled and have followed the wiki guide at:

Any idea what I’ve missed?

Thanks in advance.


It needs to have a primary extension linked to the user

Thanks for that. Fixed that issue. Any chance that can be added to the documentation please?

I do have a primary extension linked to the user but still not showing any ideas ?

WebRTC and UCP have undergone two rewrites each since this thread was posted, and Andrew (@tm1000) doesn’t even hang out here for old times sake anymore.

Does anyone know if this still works? I can’t get the feature to show up in v14 and the documentation all uses the old UCP version. Do I need to start a new thread?

When you add a widget, you want the tab for ‘sidebar widgets’

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