Web client for customers?


Previous user of 3CX, it had a nice plugin you could install in Wordpress or other CMS that allowed visitors to be able to call the company through web.
I was looking for similar solution for FreePBX and it looks like Sangoma Connect might be able to do that but I can’t find any documentation or explanations on how to do that.
Is it possible ? and if so how ?



There is Web CallMe (Web Callback) module.

Thanks @franckdanard but I think I misexplained myself. I want a widget on my website where visitors can click and it’ll connect them in audio using the mic/speaker of their computer to call a specific extension in my FreePBX
Wel CallME from what I understand is asking visitor a phone number to establish connection of that phone number with an extension of my FreePBX and it works only that way no ?


Asterisk supports WebRTC. I think most people use clients for this open specification, and treat them as part of web site, rather than part of the PABX.

WebRTC involves the interaction of a lot of different standards, and you need to understand these to successfully debug it.

Thanks for the suggestion and looks like the way to go :wink:

Yeah and my main concern is to be able to do modifications needed in Asterisk configuration without breaking it or prevent it to work properly anymore with FreePBX :confused: