We Need Webphone

we have my web site ad we have cs system web

we need calls out & Inbound from webphone ??
Can anyone suggest a name WEB PHONE or help me



this is only softphone

we need webphone

we need calls from webphone

Have you looked at Zulu?

UCP has a basic built in web softphone that uses WebRTC. You need a DNS A record and a certificate setup to use it, and your User Manager users must have appropriate permissions, but if your needs are very basic it may work for you.

Built into FreePBX: https://wiki.freepbx.org/display/FPG/WebRTC+Phone-UCP

SIPML5: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/WebRTC+tutorial+using+SIPML5

Kurento: https://webrtc.ventures/2017/02/kurento-asterisk-powerful-couple/

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