Voicemail password -- do not require

The latest FreePBX version insists on setting up a password for a voicemail box, at least in the “useranddevice” model. I suggest to remove this requirement to allow users to decide whether to protect their voice mail boxes or not. If so, they can enter passwords to protect their voicemail boxes; if not, they can leave this field blank so voice mail access is instantaneously.

Prior FreePBX version did not have that requirement, which is very concenient. Please consider dropping the password protection requirement for Voice Mail boxes.

nothing has changed here. There were some bugs at some point during 2.3 (which should have been fixed in 2.3) which resulted in javascript validations being broken on some forms. You may have run into that, meaning no password was being allowed. But those should be fixed in prior releases or they would be considered bugs still. As far as your request to allow it, that would belong in a feature request so your ideas are not lost in the forum.

Thank you, sir. I will file a request.

Happy new year.