Voicemail folders won't load in UCP

We recently updated the system and now we get an error when loading folders in the voicemail section of UCP. An error references transcriptionURL.

There’s a ticket in the issue tracker opened against this.

Just saw it.

I just saw this on a couple of machines. Which module is broken, can i roll it back?

Refer to below to see the fixed module version. Thanks

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@kgupta Once again this is an internal update not following the same standards we’re told that need to be followed for this. Also, taking the major time zone difference into account, when this bug was filed the turn around for the fix, testing and QA is very suspect.

The bug was filed at 10:54 AM EST Jan 20th and by 2:47 AM EST Jan 21st it was completed and pushed out to v15, v16 and v17. Not just one module but two (voicemail and cdr). The issue was assigned to a developer at 12:03 AM EST Jan 21st and was fully completed and ready for consumption less than three hours later.

We are being told there is reviews, testing and QA for these things but this is a fast turn around fix for an issue introduced in the previous release that proper reviews, testing and QA would have caught. How can something be reviewed, tested and QA’d across three version releases and be ready for the public in under three hours?

At this point with the amount of bugs (and honestly many being really low level) I believe it would be more beneficial if the Sangoma dev team followed the same stricter standards someone like me has to and actually make PRs that go through an approval process that is transparent and open to us.


This fixed it.

What QA? No QA was done here based on the time lines.

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