I have a similar problem to the one described, but in my case, the Voicemail widget shows the number of messages correctly. However, when I try to load them, I get an error in the top-right corner of the UCP interface (in red), and it asks me to check the log. Unfortunately, I don’t understand the log or what the issue might be. Can you help me?
Hi @Greg Please update your voicemail, cdr modules to the edge and give a try.
Best Regards
I had this problem this morning on a fresh install of FreePBX 17 on Debian from a few weeks ago (not a restoring from older version situation).
Voicemail was working correctly from phones, but UCP was not displaying them, just giving the red error message as described here.
fwconsole reload
and fwconsole restart
did not fix the issue.
I ran fwconsole ma --edge upgrade voicemail
and then reloaded and restarted again, and after that it appears to be working. I’d like to know what is/was going on for future reference. I’m still learning how the FreePBX module ecosystem works.
voicemail access via ucp not working now after most recent update 16.0.61. Rolling back to previous version 16.0.60 fixes the issue.
Voicemail page just shows stuck loading.
fwconsole ma downloadinstall voicemail --tag 16.0.60
fwconsole reload
I tried to open a support case to let support know about the bug…
Hi @Jonathan1 Please update to the below versions.
fwconsole ma downloadinstall voicemail --tag 16.0.62
fwconsole ma downloadinstall cdr --tag
fwconsole reload
Best Regards,
I can confirm that this update does fix the issue for me.
This worked for me.
worked for me as well.
This restored the UCP Voicemail on my FreePBX 17. Thank you.
worked for me as well. Thanks
also for me. ty
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