Visual Voicemail on AAstra 6730i

Improvements to this module have happened, now the interface loads quickly and displays new and old messages as you would expect.

The only remaining issue is access to the options to play and delete messages.

On inspecting the XML it seems like the “action” section does not appear on our phones, you would expect to see these options below the message details on the 2nd screen


	{"type":"link","display":"User <211> [00:02]","value":"voicemail\/detail","args":"app_msg=1410277226-0000000a","icon":"read","iconstring":"(-)"},
	{"type":"link","display":"Direct Dial In  : anonymous <anonymous> [00:13]","value":"voicemail\/detail","args":"app_msg=1411477882-00000019","icon":"read","iconstring":"(-)"}