Visible extension range not working for CDR Report

hi i need your help)
I created a new user to watch CDR REPORTS for 9998 only, but
on FreePBX Extended admin access for user management does not work, it should only show 9998 report in CDR reports, but show all numbers report during search. How can they create it with a dry form?

Installation In the section - Freepbx Administration GUI
Admin>User Management>
Allow FreePBX Administrator Login - YES>
Grant full administration rights - INHEIRGT>
Administrator access (9998)>
Admin Access -CDR REPORTS>
Default Landing Page - CDR REPORTS

When logged in as an admin, you can see all CDR reports. You want to have the user login to UCP as a user so they can only see their own records. You can also grant access to other users’ records to the UCP user in User Management.

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