Viewing Management portal version


I have installed from asterisk@home 1.2.5, upgrateded my asterisk to 1.2.13 and zaptel to 1.2.10 and asterisk-addon 1.2.5,


  1. How can I know which version of AMPORTAL i’m using? (any Command to show my AMP version)

  2. Which version is the best and most stable to upgrade to?

  3. How can I upgrade to that safely? (any proper link is appreciated)


Try using the site: Download Instructions which includes upgrade info (and if the info has problems, let us know as we are tuning this whole new site.)

You shoud load version 2.3.0 - it is the most stable.

Philippe Lindheimer - FreePBX Project Lead http// - IRC #freepbx

Dear Philippe,

Thank you very much for the info. you sent, very useful,

Still this question remains,
How can I know which version of AMPORTAL i’m using right now? (any Command to show my AMP version)

Thanks again,

I don’t understand your question. If you mean which version of FreePBX (which was once called AMP) then look in the upper left hand corner under the logo.

Philippe Lindheimer - FreePBX Project Lead
http// - IRC #freepbx