View not allowed:: PHP exceptions

After installation, opening webpage generates view not allowed:: and PHP exceptions.

I don’t really understand PHP errors, but if this is a permission issue, it can usually be fixed with fwconsole chown

Which version FreePBX is this? the latest ISO?

FW Console - FreePBX Utility

Did you run this from bash?

fwconsole ma upgrade framework --edge

This will put you on FreePBX framework

Now the error will be different. Please post it here.

…/view/not allowed::Trying to access file: modules/sipstation/ajax.html.php

Fixed in framework

fwconsole ma list

framework | | Enabled | GPLv2+

fwconsole ma upgrade framework

o repos specified, using: [standard,commercial] from last GUI settings

framework is newer than online version, unable to upgrade
Updating Hooks…Done

I believe it’s in edge repository
fwconsole ma --edge upgrade framework

Yup. I even said it earlier.

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Thank you. Sorry new freebpx. That command worked.

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