PBX Version:
PBX Distro: 12.7.8-2408-1.sng12
Asterisk Version: 20.7
I have one FreePBX server where I am unable to manage the users using the user manager module. I can see the list of current users, but anytime I try to edit an existing one or create a new one, I get the pretty page handler:
Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)
Undefined array key "description"
I manage multiple servers and this seems to be the only one exhibiting this issue. The phone server seems to be functioning normally otherwise. The only thing I haven’t tried yet due to customer use, is restart the server. I will schedule that for this evening to try. But has anyone seen this or know of a fix?
EDIT: I performed a full restart of the server, that did not fix it. I have also performed a download / install of the module:
fwconsole ma downloadinstall userman