Upgrading from v14 to 15 using the upgrader tool

As for the exact time, it’s tough to say for sure. I’ve seen folks online mention anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours How to: Upgrade from Freepbx 14 to 15 from Command Line. It really depends on a few things:

  • Complexity of your system: If you have a ton of extensions, modules, and custom configurations, that can add to the upgrade time.
  • Your internet speed: Downloading the new packages takes some time, so a faster connection helps.
  • System resources: The beefier your server, the quicker things will chug along.

While you can’t set your watch to it, hopefully that gives you a general idea. Since you’re new to upgrading, here’s some friendly advice:

  • Make a full backup: This is crucial. If something goes sideways, you can restore your system to get back up and running.
  • Schedule some downtime: Let everyone who uses your PBX know that there might be a period where things are wonky.
  • Be patient: Upgrading software takes time. Don’t panic if it takes longer than you expected.

Best Regard
Danish Hafeez | QA Assistant