Upgrading asterisk 18.9 to 20 on Freepbx 16 causes any issue?

Hi All,
I am upgrading asterisk 18.9 to 20 on Freepbx 16 which causes any issue?

Any reason why you wouldn’t just go FreePBX 17 on Debian and import your backup and restore module backup? It’s super fast to set up a FreePBX17 server on Debian and restore. Not to mention all the benefits Debian begins to FreePBX 17 and vice versa…

BECAUSE WE DON’T USE ALPHA/BETA SOFTWARE IN PRODUCTION I am not sure if you are trying to get your post count up for some nefarious reason but spamming on every post to go to the beta isn’t helpful and is kind of spammy

I am going to save some face here. I talked with @kgupta, we’re around the corner for GA, and I’m close enough to it, that I’m okay with prod, as I am updated to the newest modules and I keep Debian up to date along side of it. I was a little early on my suggestions (But close). I was told I’m okay for production, others may want to wait as GA is just around the corner.

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