Upgraded freepbx from 2.7 to 2.8 - Now CDR and FOP don't work

Fresh install of asterisk now 1.7 (option 1) asterisk 1.6 and freepbx 2.7.

I did an upgrade to freepbx to 2.8.

I went to look at some CDR data and there is nothing there.

I see the complaint “No data found !!!” at the top of the CDR field.

After my initial searches, I compared amportal.conf and cdr_mysql.conf and the user names and passwords are the same …

Anyone know what to look for next?

FOP Failure (2nd priority)

I forgot to mention that if I open the FOP page, the status message shows loading data and their is never a screen update, just a blank screen.

Database changed
mysql> show tables
-> ;
| Tables_in_asteriskcdrdb |
| cdr |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cdr
-> ;
Empty set (0.00 sec)


untitled text 4:334: [Aug 21 23:24:18] VERBOSE[14013] pbx.c: == Registered application 'NoCDR’
untitled text 4:335: [Aug 21 23:24:18] VERBOSE[14013] loader.c: app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call)
untitled text 4:335: [Aug 21 23:24:18] VERBOSE[14013] loader.c: app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call)
untitled text 4:337: [Aug 21 23:24:18] VERBOSE[14013] config.c: == Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf’: [Aug 21 23:24:18] VERBOSE[14013] config.c: == Found
untitled text 4:374: [Aug 21 23:24:18] WARNING[14013] cdr_custom.c: Failed to load configuration file. Module not activated.

core show settings

PBX Core settings

Maximum calls: Not set
Maximum open file handles: Not set
Verbosity: 3
Debug level: 0
Maximum load average: 0.000000
Minimum free memory: 0 MB
Startup time: 23:24:18
Last reload time: 23:24:18
System: Linux/2.6.18-194.el5 built by root on i686 2010-07-23 21:13:09 UTC
System name:
Entity ID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Default language: en
Language prefix: Enabled
User name and group: /
Executable includes: Enabled
Transcode via SLIN: Enabled
Internal timing: Enabled
Transmit silence during rec: Enabled
Generic PLC: Disabled

  • Subsystems

    Manager (AMI): Enabled
    Web Manager (AMI/HTTP): Disabled
    Send Manager FullyBooted: Disabled
    Call data records: Enabled
    Realtime Architecture (ARA): Disabled

  • Directories

    Configuration file:
    Configuration directory: /etc/asterisk
    Module directory: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
    Spool directory: /var/spool/asterisk
    Log directory: /var/log/asterisk


Thanks Mikael,

I assumed AsteriskNow installed everything every other version does.

Bad assumption!

Thank you for the link … fixed both issues in less than 5 minutes.

To bad it didn’t show up in the searches I did.

padapa :slight_smile:

Yes, thanks for this. I did a fresh install of asterisk now 1.7 (option 1) asterisk 1.6 and freepbx 2.7 and later upgraded to freepbx 2.8. CDR and the operator panel failed after upgrade.

Installing the asterisk addons fixed CDR, however, the operator panel does not work. I am not certain that this was a direct result of the upgrade to 2.8. The panel sits there with all “LEDS” showing green for a period of time, followed by all flashing red and returning back to all green.

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve B