Upgrade from FreePBX 14 to 15 via CLI?

Howdy folks. I have a non-activated installation of FreePBX that I run in a virtual machine at the moment, which I use for deployments and testing. I don’t want to activate it before I’ve deployed it, because I need to make sure every time I deploy it (I image the disk), I want to activate it afterwards and ensure a unique deployment number. I have quite a few customisations so I would rather not have to do a clean install, so I was wondering if it would be possible to update from FreePBX 14 to 15 via the CLI, as I don’t get access to the 14 to 15 upgrade tool on a non-activated system. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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# fwconsole ma downloadinstall http://mirror1.freepbx.org/modules/packages/versionupgrade/versionupgrade-14.0.5.tgz

# fwconsole reload (not sure this is necessary)

# fwconsole versionupgrade --upgrade

I did this last week on a system I don’t have access to at the moment - so it’s from my memory. But the answer is yes, you can do it - may need to tweak the above commands if I got it wrong. (I know the URL is right because I pulled it from https://wiki.freepbx.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=163840098)

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Thanks for that. I’ve used the following one-liner:

fwconsole ma downloadinstall http://mirror1.freepbx.org/modules/packages/versionupgrade/versionupgrade-14.0.5.tgz && fwconsole reload && fwconsole chown && fwconsole versionupgrade --upgrade && reboot

Which will download the upgrade packages, gain permissions, upgrade and reboot.

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