Updating (Mariadb 5.5.65)

By installing freepbx to a vm is the installation of mysql_secure_installation?
If i upgrade the version of (Mariadb 5.5.65) which is an expired version will anything brake on the server?

Probably not, but you could take a snapshot of the current VM so you can go back in case there will be dragons.

Even if i manage to update it wont it break if a new version of pbx was release,
i mean with updating the pbx version?

Official distribution or manual installation?


The manual installation page has a hint that the sql_mode setting “STRICT_TRANS_TABLES” should not be enabled. Older versions of MariaDB did not have this setting and FreePBX seems to depend on the more tolerant setting. I don’t know whether this applies to your configuration, but this is the type of problem that one can expect.

Is mysql_secure_installation run when FreePBX installation installs MariaDB from the official distribution ?

My remark was based on Installing FreePBX 16 on Debian 10.9 - FreePBX OpenSource Project - Documentation!

Even if the script runs, it does not modify sql_mode. I’d create a snapshot and continue. Go back in case you run into trouble.

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