Updated advices for Android SIP client?


After done quite some searches in forum I could not find a recent list of advised android SIP clients that works well with FreePBX. Most recent ones I have found is 2021. Some good list somewhere ?
Don’t tell me please to use Sangoma Connect as it has never worked well on my mobile and Sangoma is unable to help (app works fine to do calls but can’t receive any in it as background process to keep connection with FreePBX is not working on my phone).
I have tried Linphone but it’s not working great ! Most of time it indicates it’s connected but it’s not and phone calls don’t pass through quite often :frowning:
If possible also a client that integrates with address book of Android so it can recognise automatically contacts calling :wink:



This isn’t a FreePBX problem, it is an app/device problem more so on the device. It doesn’t matter if it is Sangoma, Linphone or another softphone app it sounds like your device is backgrounding the app and not waking up when new requests are coming in.

I bet with both apps, as long as the app was open or the phone wasn’t sleeping the incoming calls work great. Right?

Nope sorry for my message not clear, it works fine all time with Linphone but not Sangoma :wink: My main issue with Linphone is that it doesn’t use the address book of phone so it just displays the phone number instead of name which is quite boring :frowning:

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