Unknown Error. Please Run: fwconsole reload --verbose


There was an error during reload: Unknown Error. Please Run: fwconsole reload --verbose

Unknown Error. Please Run: fwconsole reload --verbose

Exception (404)

Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman

$needs_zend = isset($info[$module][‘depends’][‘phpcomponent’]) && stristr($info[$module][‘depends’][‘phpcomponent’], ‘zend’);
$licFileExists = glob (‘/etc/schmooze/license-*.zl’);
$complete_zend = (!function_exists(‘zend_loader_install_license’) || empty($licFileExists));
if ($needs_zend && class_exists(‘\Schmooze\Zend’,false) && \Schmooze\Zend::fileIsLicensed($try) && $complete_zend) {

                include $try;
                $loaded = $try;

    // Right, after all of this we should now have our object ready to create.
    if (!class_exists($objname,false) && !class_exists($this->moduleNamespace.$objname,false) && !class_exists($this->freepbxNamespace.$objname,false)) {
        // Bad things have happened.
        if (!$loaded) {
            $sobjname = strtolower($objname);
            throw new \Exception(sprintf(_("Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class '%s'"),$objname) . sprintf(_("A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install %s 2) fwconsole ma enable %s"),$sobjname,$sobjname),404);
            //die_freepbx(sprintf(_("Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class '%s'"),$objname), sprintf(_("A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) amportal a ma install %s 2) amportal a ma enable %s"),$sobjname,$sobjname));

        // We loaded a file that claimed to represent that class, but didn't.
        throw new \Exception(sprintf(_("Attempted to load %s but it didn't define the class %s"),$try,$objname),404);

    return true;


"Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman

Did you run the commands that the error is telling you to run?

  1. fwconsole ma install userman
  2. fwconsole ma enable userman