Undefined Banner appears when Call Event Logging Refresh is selected

Call Event Logging Module Version:

Reports > Call Event Logging > Select Refresh

  • Why would this banner appear?

  • On select refresh, at first you get a result that says “No Matching Records found” that is replaced by the true result set after a few moments. If you select refresh again, it says loading please wait without the banner. If you select refresh before a result set is posted at the bottom, you get the undefined banner again.

  • I’m not seeing any issues with the module itself, but is there a way to make this go away?

This looks like Javascript is having an issue calling back to something. Can you open up your Javascript console for your browser (In Chrome that would be: View -> Developer -> Developer Tools) and paste any errors?

This could be an issue with another module, hard to tell unless we know the exact error.


Well… never mind, that’s not helpful either. I’m not able to reproduce this on my end either. So I have no idea what’s going on.

Looks like it only occurs when a query is being disrupted by a refresh… so as long as I’m patient, it doesn’t happen.

Would be pretty cool if that was updated in the future, but not the end of the world.

Sounds like a “loading” modal would prevent the user from executing the refresh?

I might have misread that, but here are my thoughts

Allowing an interruption of the query to start a new one would be a good thing. There are instances where incorrect values are entered, and rather than waiting for a query to finish, it would be ideal to just re-run immediately.

The page does a good job of saying when values are being looked up. It’s only when you disrupt the page when it’s in-progress that things get a little confusing. Instead of an undefined, maybe just say loading again. But that’s just my opinion as one of many users :slight_smile:

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