Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function freepbx_error_handler(), 4 passed in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Exception/FrameCollection.php on line 20 and exactly 5 expectedi

I installed Asterisk 18 and freepbx 16,
with php 7.4


Following the above webpage.

Everything installed properly but, while accessing the url “ip/admin/config.php”, apache2 responds status 500,

I checked the logs of apache2 it says,

[Mon Jul 10 10:35:54.291855 2023] [php:error] [pid 23029] [client] PHP Fatal error: During inheritance of ArrayAccess: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function freepbx_error_handler(), 4 passed in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Exception/FrameCollection.php on line 20 and exactly 5 expected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/utility.functions.php:306\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Exception/FrameCollection.php(20): freepbx_error_handler()\n#1 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(444): include('...')\n#2 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(322): Composer\\Autoload\\includeFile()\n#3 [internal function]: Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader->loadClass()\n#4 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Run.php(117): class_exists()\n#5 /var/www/html/admin/bootstrap.php(135): Whoops\\Run->register()\n#6 /etc/freepbx.conf(10): require_once('...')\n#7 /var/www/html/admin/config.php(127): include_once('...')\n#8 {main} in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Exception/FrameCollection.php on line 20

  • What causes this problem?
  • Is there any way to resolve this without editing php directly?
    I don’t know php. I know only JavaScript, Python and Golang.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you for going through the question.

What version of PHP is on your server?

/usr/bin/php /usr/bin/php-cgi7.2 /usr/bin/php7.2 /usr/bin/php8.1
/usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi7.4 /usr/bin/php7.4

The above all are there, default set to 7.4

I used PHP 7.4

Issue resolved. I reinstalled everything from the beginning.
I think the issues is because of permissions.

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