Unable to get online sound packages. Error was: [0] Empty reply from server,

in my install on a new system … this runs through a transparent proxy but I am not running a proxy at home and I too am not able to reach server

is the server unavailable?
I am unable to ping from the server location and from my home 2 different locations ? so I am lead to believe the server is down?

debian 9 
# uname -r
Updating tables soundlang_packages, soundlang_settings, soundlang_customlangs, soundlang_prompts...Done
Unable to get online sound packages. Error was: [0] Empty reply from server, 

Unable to get online sound packages. Error was: [0] Empty reply from server,

Web Proxy
. Continuing...
Generating CSS...Done

# ping mirror2.freepbx.org
PING mirror2.freepbx.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- mirror2.freepbx.org ping statistics ---
16 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 15355ms

The response it’s getting is “web proxy”. That’d be something on your network

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