Unable to Automate a New Time Condition for Wednesday


I’m having trouble setting up a new automated Time Condition in FreePBX whit VMware. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

I created a new Time Group for every Wednesday from 14:30 to 15:30.
I set up a Time Condition linked to this Time Group. The Time Condition has a feature code *273.
The destination when the time matches is an announcement for closure. If the time does not match, it points to the regular call flow.
My setup already includes a predefined evening and holiday closure that works perfectly.
The problem is: I can’t get the new Time Condition for Wednesday to work automatically. It doesn’t seem to override the existing time conditions for evenings and holidays.

Is there a specific way to prioritize this new Time Condition over the predefined ones, or am I missing something in the configuration?

Thank you for your help!

Does this Wed time overlap another existing time condition?

Yes, there is an existing time condition for evening closure on Saturday and Sunday.

Time conditions need to be daisy chained in order of priority. If you want the new TC to always override the holiday TC, then you need to set the call flow to something similar to:

Inbound Route -> Wednesday TC -> Holiday TC -> etc.

I did what kingarthur said - daisy chained
If your hrs are 8-17:00 and close for an hr 14:30-15:30:
You can set 3 time groups to:

  1. open hrs 8-14:29
  2. close 14:30-15:30
  3. open 15:31-17:00

Hello and thank you very much for your answers, and happy new year to all!!

I start working again today after the Christmas holidays, and I would like to clarify my intention:

I currently have a TC (*271) that closes calls from 8pm to 9am every weekday.
The same TC closes from Friday evening at 8 pm until Monday morning at 9 am, when it is closed the system sends a recording that warns the caller that we are closed.

However, I must add a closure that takes place every week only on Wednesdays from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm with an audio notice.

and this last TC (*273) I can’t make it work automatically, I have to use the

Do you have specific guidance for these cases? Or how could I proceed to automate the thing?

Thank you all and greetings.