First off, please understand I don’t know what information you could possibly need to help resolve this. I am will to provide anything you need, but because I don’t know what you need, I am going to need you to be a bit patient with me and ask for it. I may also need directions on how to get it.
As of late, all of my extensions are ultra unreliable for receiving calls.
The flow goes as follows.
Call comes in, and depending on which did is called, it goes to an IVR (Who’s sole purpose is to play a message and transfer) then goes through a bunch of time conditions, or eiother goes directly to the time conditions.
In then goes to a ring group. The ring group is set to ring 3 phones. 2 of them are ZioPer android apps, and one is a Linksys SPA3102, however I don’t think that will matter, because it seems as though ALL of them are unreliable. Sometimes one will ring, other times all will. Some times others, Some times one only rings for a 1/2 a second and the call goes to voicemail.
I am 95% confident that it is not the VOIP Provider, as the IVR’s do seem to kick right in. But I can’t say for 100% sure, as during testing I think most of the time at least one extension rang during testing of calls going through the IVR.
How can I troubleshoot this?
The machine is running in a VM, assigned 4 GB of RAM, 4 virtual CPUs, and doesn’t seem to use much if any of the CPU power.