UCP loading endlessly

I’m experiencing an issue where the UCP is endlessly loading, making it unusuable.
This seems to be similar to this issue from 2018.

I’m on PBX version with system version 12.7.8-2008-1.sng7 and UCP module version

Browser console output:

Error with Feature-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: ‘ambient-light-sensor’.

Error with Feature-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: ‘speaker’.

Error with Feature-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: ‘vr’.

Uncaught ReferenceError: UCPMC is not defined at jsphp_939240f3e044e6583b6a49c2767e459d.js?load_version=v15.0.6.18:1
(anonymous) @ jsphp_939240f3e044e6583b6a49c2767e459d.js?load_version=v15.0.6.18:1

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://sub.domain.com/assets/js/compiled/main/bootstrap-toggle.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 403, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

This is a system that has been restored from another install when I migrated from physical hosts to VMs.

Here was mentioned that replacing the UCP’s directory with that of a fresh install could help, but I wouldn’t want to do that before making sure there wasn’t another way.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with replacing the UCP directory, did you try it ?

I did try it and it worked flawlessly!

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