UCP is not working after new install

I Have freePBX 16 installed from official distro.
System is up to date.
When i clisk on UCP button or trying to get ucp address:
In my case
Then nothing happens.

fwconsole restart goes correctly without any errors

Running Asterisk post from Ucp module
Starting UCP Node Server...
[>---------------------------] < 1 sec
Started UCP Node Server. PID is 16426

This is the first time this has happened to me, what can I check?

Hi ,

Do you see any error on the httpd logs when trying to access the UCP page?

tail -f /var/log/httpd/*

What do you see when running PM2 command? Normaly you should see list of running some services UCP there

fwconsole pm2 --list

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