We recently needed to restore a backup to a FreePBX 15 system (yes, I know it is old). After restore, we are receiving errors in the UCP, and the contents of voicemail folders are not loading.
The message to the user in the browser is “There was an error. See the console log for more details”. The errors in the console log are a handful of “Uncaught TypeError: can’t access property “transcriptionURL”, row.converttotext is undefined”.
I attempted to force reinstall both the Voicemail and the UCP modules, but that has not helped.
Any help or additional direction on where I should be looking is appreciated.
UPDATE: The restore from backup turned out to have been a coincidental detail; the issue was ultimately related to recently released problematic versions of the CDR and Voicemail modules. There are now newer versions of both of those modules that fix the issue.
I have not tried that yet; was hoping to avoid losing voicemails that have arrived since the restore. I will try that if I can not resolve it another way.
Can you please update voicemail , ucp , scribe modules to the edge and give a try ?
Looks to me using old module versions or if you are not using scribe module then just remove the scribe (fwconsole ma remove scribe) and check.
Thanks; already set to edge. When we first discovered the issue, I tried installing the scribe module, then uninstalling it again to see if that would clear it up, but it did not.
I just tried installing it again, and I note that I still get the previous error, but now also get a new one.
User facing error:
Unable to connect to the UCP Node Server.
Error: xhr poll error
Console error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at [url redacted] (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null)
Noting that the url listed in the console error message is the same server address as where I am accessing the UCP.
Thanks; I just subscribed. We have temporarily fixed our issue by altering a file from the CDR reports module: “/var/www/html/admin/modules/cdr/ucp/assets/js/global.js”. Looking forward to the complete fix.
Request you to please try with the cdr and voicemail edge module, our testing is also in-progress as such so feel free to let us know if EDGE modules do not resolve your issue.