UCP - ALERT - There was an error. See console log for more details

Getting that error on the UCP

Current PBX Version:
Current System Version:12.7.6-1910-1.sng7
User Control Panel:

[root@voip ~]# fwconsole pm2 --list
+--------------+-------+--------+----------+---------------------+-----+--------                        -+
| Process Name | PID   | Status | Restarts | Uptime              | CPU | Mem                             |
+--------------+-------+--------+----------+---------------------+-----+--------                        -+
| ucp          | 35496 | online | 0        | 4 hours, 46 minutes | 1%  | 79.73MB                         |

Not using TLS, I have reinstalled UCP, different browser(Edge, Chrome, Firefox) and still comes up with the same message. I don’t see anything exceptional in ucp_err and ucp_out logs, or rather I may not know what I am looking at. Any ideas?

UPDATE: Disabling the voicemail for the users extension stops the ALERT message on the UCP. Obviously I can’t disabled voicemail on all users

Does the browser have a route to the UCP Node port on the PBX?

Forgive my ignorance, how do I check for the browsers to have a route to UCP Node ports 8001 and 8003? This error started recently and it is not all users having the error.


If you pass through a firewall, make sure these ports are forwarded

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