Trying to register PJSIP extension over TLS and SRTP

I was able to do an encrypted echo test using BLINK softphone using the default settings as described in the FreePBX wiki.

If I find a solution to the Polycom phone wili post it here.

What did you do to get blink working on tls?

It is just a different app. I saw in this tutorial that they used Blink so I tried it. I did not have to download client certificate.

What about the certificate on Asterisk? Did you have to set a custom path?

I did not use the pjsip.transports_custom_post.conf and did not have to put custom path. From the article I just used the app. I followed the freepbx wiki for the TLS PJSIP setup.

Why does your phone say FREEPBX_IP? Use credentials no? Looks odd to me.

No I realize you probably masked your IP. Lol. Duhh…Sorry. Use Credentials No though?

Can you confirm then that the certificate file being pointed to has the KEY and CERT in the same file? As I mentioned before, asterisk rejects this - it does not work. I am trying to understand how you did everything without fixing this issue, and yet it works…

currently the output of the pjsip show transport is:

 Transport:  <TransportId........>  <Type>  <cos>  <tos>  <BindAddress....................>
 Transport:               tls      3     96
 ParameterName              : ParameterValue
 allow_reload               : true
 async_operations           : 1
 bind                       :
 ca_list_file               : /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
 ca_list_path               : 
 cert_file                  : /etc/asterisk/keys/domain.pem
 cipher                     : 
 cos                        : 3
 domain                     : 
 external_media_address     : freepbx_IP
 external_signaling_address : freepbx_IP
 external_signaling_port    : 0
 local_net                  : 
 method                     : tlsv1
 password                   : 
 priv_key_file              : /etc/asterisk/keys/domain.key
 protocol                   : tls
 require_client_cert        : No
 symmetric_transport        : false
 tos                        : 96
 verify_client              : No
 verify_server              : No
 websocket_write_timeout    : 100

The /etc/asterisk/keys/domain.pem file looks like:

 some text
 -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
 some text

Few changes that I tested

  1. I deleted all certificates other than the third party one
  2. I removed local_net (not sure if it makes a difference)
  3. I used softphone app

Polycom phone is still not registering as tls

I have been looking at Yealink / Freepbx / SIP / TLS and I will try to import the server (ca.crt?) and client certificates (domain.pem?) to the Polycom phone
Is /etc/asterisk/keys/domain.pem a client certificate?

Can you explain?

You have the line settings set to not send a username or password?

I followed the freepbx wiki and this setting seems to work with softphone. Do I have to use username / password?

Did you use a username and password on the softphone for extension and secret?
Also see…

Polycom likely has some tls restrictions. You might have to tone down the verifications and make sure the firmware is the latest version so it supports new CA certs.
Looks like by default it doesnt like wildcard certs.

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Are you self generating your cert and its not from a valid CA. Polycom might not like that either.
There is a free option built into freepbx

Yes, I use username and password with all extensions.

I am up to date with the phone software and I tried disabling the Common Name Validation. Still the polycom phone did not register

I used Domain Validation SSL from GoGetSSL

In your screenshot use login credentials is set to no though.
How does it know what your extension and secret are?


Not sure. It just work.

I followed these instruction (explanation @12 minute).

Yeah **"Use Login Credentials: Disable looks right sorry about that. Maybe I should have actually fired up one of my polycoms.

Last thing to look at is here

and here

From the second link it looks like they make you upload the CA cert into the phone, but that can be disabled.