Trusted zone

Hi everyone, please assist.

When going into firewall on the Free PBX I am getting the following error

The client machine you are using to manage this server (IP Address) is not a member of the Trusted zone. It is highly recommended to add this client to your Trusted Zone to avoid accidental lockouts.

When I check under intrusion detection, there are no blacklisted IP’s and the above was added ages ago as a local trusted to pass traffic.

This is not done under intrusion detection. Did you add the IP or the subnet the computer that you are connecting from to Networks tab Trusted zone?

Yes I did

If you’ve verified that this is your IP by going to then I am not sure what else to suggest. Don’t think I’ve ever run into that issue myself.

Yes I have verified that’s my IP
I am also not sure why all of a sudden this has changed as no config changes has been made.

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