Trouble with Fencing for HA module

Trying to setup IPMI fencing for the HA module. I have enabled and configured the IPMI function in the SuperMicro BIOS.

In the HA fencing management screen I enter my parameters: IP address, username and password

Try the “Check” option and get:
Command: /usr/bin/ipmitool -H10.53.0.12 -UADMIN -PXXXXXXXX power status 2>&1
Output: Chassis Power is on

Click “Apply” and get:
Unknown Error from fence_ipmi - 127

That error means that Pacemaker was unhappy with the command to enable fencing… However, I can’t see why it works for CHECK but doesn’t work for APPLY.

Can you open a ticket please? This appears to be a bug, and I’ll get on it straight away.

Thank you

I actually meant a Commercial ticket - I closed that one, you want to open it here: