Tried to update Distro to FreePBX 16 and lost everything

I tried to use the update to Freepbx 16 tool and got an error while installing PHP 7.4 that the server x.x.x.x:8090 was unreachable. Now when I try to run fwconsole, Bash tells me that fwconsole command is not found. When I navigate to the server in a browser, i just get the Centos welcome page. How do I reinstall?

I found Tue Jun 27 11:42:40 EDT 2023 freepbx16 failed to install…please install manually from the linux cli using ‘yum -y --enablerepo=sng-sng7php74 install freepbx16’ command. in teh log and am running it. Will update.

I was able to finish the install from the command line, and just needed to upgrade a lot of modules manually.

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