Transferring a call

Hello when i transfer a call from one phone to another is it possible to see the caller Id of the one who calls to the second phone? Right now when i transfer the call from ext 700 to 701 on 701 phone i only only see the Caller If of 700?

try transferring using ## + ext

Hello Bksales on my phone I’m using the cisco 9971 phone i get a incoming call in. there is a transfer button on my phone i click it then push the ext number of the second phone and a transfer button popups on the screen ready for transfer then i click that and it transfer the call to the second phone but only call the caller id of the first phone.

So if i Push ##701 that will transfer the call and the caller id of that caller? Is there anything else i need to do?

Also thank you for the reply back.

##701 will immediately transfer the call to ext 701 and i think it will also pass the original caller id. after you enter ##701 you do not need to do anything. you can simply hang up.

Thank you bksales i will try this when i get home.

Hello bksales that did work thank you. Helped a lot.