Tracking uptime of extensions / individual endpoints?

My GoogleFu is failing me:

Has anyone got a way to conveniently track the uptime of an extension, or even particular endpoints? “Last seen” would be nice to have, too.

This information can be had by manually going through logfiles, but that’s pretty time consuming, with a lot of potential for missing something.

I’d find that very helpful in a lot of the troubleshooting I do, but it’s not usually so useful that it’s worth tracking down by hand, y’know?

I’d love to hear of something I’m missing in FPBX or Asterisk, or a third-party tool.

Thanks, folks!

No third-party tool that I am aware of, but it is also easy enough to grep what you want out of the log and into a csv or other document, to then report on. Take one more step and turn that grep into a cron and youve automated the process.

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