Time in msgxxxx.txt and voicemail reports at utc

Have an odd one, Time in msgxxxx.txt and voicemail reports at utc not the local timezone /server time, the system is set to timezone London and its been restarted its FPBX 16 and asterisk 16.30.0 . server wise looks correct

Local time: Wed 2024-10-23 17:15:52 BST
Wed Oct 23 17:16:58 BST 2024

CDR records are correct as are log files

[2024-10-23 16:57:19] VERBOSE[3033][C-00000024] app.c: x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/215/tmp/0AnljY format: wav, 0x7fa8a0036000

but the

Msg0000.txt has ‘origdate=Wed Oct 23 03:57:19 PM UTC 2024’

and this date and time is reflected in voicemail reports.

not sure if adding timezones to the voicemail will fix anything,its almost as if teh voicemail appliction isnt reflecting teh server timezone.

never had this before and have checed everything I can think of

anyone else had anything similar

In software engineering all dates are stored in UTC and should be translated to local time when presented to the end user. Storing in UTC is appropriate. If the UI is not adjusting the time to your local timezone that would be a bug.

This is specially and only the voicemail , the time in the gui and asterisk is correct, all CD-R and even the email notifications and comparing this server with others I can see no difference in config and it’s the time in the msgxxxx.txt file and the voicemail reports application . All other servers we have have the time shown in the local timezone be that CET or BST
This servers
origdate=Wed Oct 23 07:40:32 AM UTC 2024

origdate=Wed Sep 18 07:19:23 PM BST 2024

Think I’m going to have to dig a little deeper as to what is the source of the date stamp in voicemail reports

I would look at the voicemail*.conf files aas you may have tz=XXX in the ones that show different. That said @jcolp may have additional feedback but if Asterisk (who writes those files) is adding a time zone it is because timezone is set in a config file somewhere.

According to the code for app_voicemail[1] it’s written to output in UTC always. Looking back in history, seems like it always has been. I’m not sure how it would be something else in the underlying file. The configurable timezone applies to other aspects from what I see - email for example.

[1] asterisk/apps/app_voicemail.c at master · asterisk/asterisk · GitHub

I just reviewed the voicemail module and it only touches the id in those files in certain use cases. I obviously cannot review any commercial modules to see if they touch things.

Callfiles rely on among other things the ‘last modified’ unixtime, anything equal or less than that in outgoing will be processed aggressively, delays are added as offsets to the original modified time, I wouldn’t expect use of anything but UTC here, same if you ‘archive’ the callfiles.

For CDR’s you can globally set

usegmtime=yes ;or no

in your cdr.conf settings, individual mailboxes can have any TimeZone set.

This isn’t callfiles

This is only about voicemail. And the time that stored in the msgxxxx.txt file and the time displayed on the voicemail reports commercial application.

CDRs are fine as is the voicemail email timestamp and the voicemail in the UCP it seems it’s just the commercial “voicemail reports” that’s wrong and possibly visual voicemail in the connect desktop

Same reply in concept, Comedian Mail bases its concept of time on UTC modify timestamps so all accounts can have their own.

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