This is going to end badly

I started playing with Asterisk@Home and then quickly moved to Trixbox - It was “purchased” by Fonnality and after a few short months, all the Fonnality folks started fighting with the community and Gaslighting/Astroturfing to the point where it was no longer a viable option - Fonnality basically nuked the project and I had to move on to Elastix.

They got weird too, but luckily this was right around the time that Schmooze bought/absorbed the FreePBX project and put out a distro - way better than anything that came before and this improvement continued through the years that Tony and the crew had control of the project - in fact, I would say that the single biggest improvements to the product overall happened during these years - “the salad days”…

Initially when Schmooze was sold to Sangoma, things got even better - then the team from the transition started to move on to other projects, and the pace of improvements decreased dramatically - till we get to the current days.

FreePBX 17 being not a distro, but a roll-your-own overlay of Debian is fairly challenging for the community as a whole (as witnessed by all the posts about the process and it’s results) and continues today - A@H, Trixbox, Elastix, and previous FreePBX’s while never easy, were far easier than the current system of Deployment. I have been doing this for 20 years and am in the process of updating all my deployed systems, but I think the bar has probably been raised farther than a LOT of newbies are able to climb - remember that most people coming to FreePBX are coming from Windows-Land - Linux is not hard per-se, but it is WAY different from Windows and the learning curve is steep.

That is why posts like these are so depressing:

If you were to go into the Wayback machine and look at the forums for Trixbox, the exact same thing happened there - the community sensed problems with the stewardship of the project, started complaining about it (me too!) and were met with almost cookie-cutter responses similar to the ones in the above threads.

Sangoma has upped the ante by banning James Finstrom and now Tony Lewis - How can it possibly help to silence your critics instead of answering the questions and perhaps addressing the issues involved?

It will truly be a sad day if we have to abandon this project the way we had to abandon Trixbox and Elastix - but if you really look at the responses the above threads are getting and you were around last go-round, the similarities are eerie.

I hope some minds can change/soften and things can be addressed - because the way we are going always ends up the same place.


I put this in off-topic just so you don’t get banned for speaking truth.


Yes, correct.
However, I think that migrating to Debian was a bad idea. Creating a distro keeping the same root (Fedora) was better. That’s my opinion.
Initially, the FreePBX 17 project was based on Rocky Linux, so the Fedora sources. Well, one day… Oh, no. OMG… Debian. I imagined the ton of work to migrate it before it was stable.


Yes, like me. I used A@H and TrixBox for a while, then I worked on Elastix. (I was certified too) and then FreePBX. And on top of that, I was hired by Sangoma.


Save FreePBX - Formal Complaint

Highlighting issues with Sangoma Technologies Corporation’s community management and advocating for transparency.


Can we keep all this in one place? Posting the same link across multiple threads is unneeded.

Better that it be plastered so it can be assured the message gets across and seen by many as possible


And what message is that exactly? I’m trying to keep track on my score card since this has fractured in to multiple conversations.

The message the site brings up??