The Queue feature license is now available on the Sangoma Portal. ?! WHERE?


we have one of our freepbx blocked due to Sangoma! This is the error message

Reload Blocked Due to Sangoma Desktop Queue License – Action Required
Sangoma Desktop Client Queue License Expired or Limit Exceeded.Your license allows a maximum of 2 Queues, but the current configuration includes 10 queues. To comply with your license, please remove the extra queues from the User Management system.

too bad we can’t solve it because it is not possible to buy licenses as reported here, and above all the extensions\user that have a configuration with more than 10 queues are not indicated (and we have more than 1000 users on this freepbx !!

Why do they always do things randomly in recent years ???!!

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Hi @VoipMC

“reload blocked” error means your system currently has more configured queues then allowed licensed limit.

Its purely depends if you have configured more queues during free beta period and now its giving you notification to adjust the configuration as per your license limit.

Also did you tried to follow below steps -

I would suggest, raise commercial module support ticket so any of our team member can help you out asap.


yes ok, but…if there are many users who have more than 2 queues configured, putting a generic error message, blocking reload and changes and going to look for WHO has more than 10 queues configured (with over 1000 extensions) is madness

I had already seen the link, there is nothing in their store that is the same as the screenshots, i.e. there is no possibility of purchasing.

But if everything is in beta, why complicate people’s lives!!!

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Hi @VoipMC

We have to see how you got the 10 queues license in your system initially. I would suggest please raise support request , enable support VPN and give me DM the ticket number so we can see what is going on in your system?

Best Regards

BTW portal side of the things also sorted out so you can now purchase the license.

Best Regards,

also, you can use below SQL query to see who all are the users configured with the advanced queues for the desktop client.

select u.username, FROM userman_users_settings o  INNER JOIN userman_users u on AND o.module = "sangomaconnect" AND o.val IN ("QUEUE_CALL_CONTROL", "DETAILED_VIEW");

We will try to add this information also as a part of notification to avoid executing sql query manually.

I purchased 1 FreePBX Softphones - Supervisor Features license for $6 and 1 FreePBX Softphones - Queue License for $60 so if I want to monitor 10 queues do I need $600 per user? + $6 for the supervisor license…per year?

I didn’t understand what I bought!? even in the demo version there was the possibility of having 2 queues, now with the 2 licenses I always have 2 queues in sanggfoma desktop

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Thanks for raising the concern for usage of queue license feature.

Please refer to the below updated wiki page.

How can I buy the Queue and Supervisor Licences for pbxACT, since the softphones licences are already included ?

The problem of the shop has been solved and it is possible to purchase licenses for supervisors and queues. However, I repeat, that it does not seem to me the correct way to carry out the project, for every small change there is an infinite number of elements to consider. Let’s start in order

The system went into block because more than one user was associated with more than 2 queues, so until the removal of this configuration it was not possible to apply any changes and this after the update of the various modules for a license change. Maybe you should have warned before (but even today when you update a module you no longer know anything about what has been updated and/or modified, unlike before, when it was enough to click in the module history to understand if a possible update was destructive for the customer, I had already spoken about it and asked Support, but there is no solution since the links to now generically point to github)

The block was bypassed only with a direct query in the asterisk mysql database to trace which users had these configurations, an undocumented fact.

If the software is still in demo until January 31st why insert these limitations without warning customers? and also find yourself with open cases in support?

This beta liicense is still valid until 31 January 2025. Also, if the beta licence is still present on the PBX (before 31 Jan), the PBX will NOT use the purchased licence.

Therefore, you will need to delete the beta licence files manually, if you want to use your purchased licence.

Please delete the following files from your PBX:


Then restart the PBX. Run the following command on the PBX console:

fwconsole restart

Even by purchasing the licenses things don’t work. First the system detects that there is still a beta license and therefore you have to manually provide this series of activities (where is the documentation ???) further complicating things

Once this is done, if you try to buy the licenses in the store you have a further error… “You hace to renew thi item before adding new ones” what does it mean? Another case open to Support

Now I understand the beauty of an open system, in continuous development and so on, but the question is WHY do you have to complicate the life of customers who regularly pay for commercial modules?

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Ok I found the article

Thanks! Added that query as a comment to the bottom of the Sangoma Desktop Advanced Queue license - Migration from beta to licensed version wiki documentation page.

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