The Magnanimous Return of James: Flagged and Fabulous

Hello FreePBX Enthusiasts,

Well, well, well, look who’s back! After two months of deep introspection in the penalty box (a.k.a. Weighted Flags Gulag™), I’m thrilled to rejoin you all. I’ve missed the spirited debates, the camaraderie, and, of course, the sheer thrill of wondering which innocuous post might get me flagged next.

Now, before we get into the details, let me remind everyone why I’m here: my undying love for FreePBX. For those unfamiliar, I’ve spent countless hours writing thousands of lines of code, crafting meticulous documentation, and answering community questions—because I genuinely care about this project. As a Sangoma shareholder, developer, and community member, I have every reason to ask tough questions about the direction and health of the software I’ve invested so much in.

Unfortunately, asking those questions doesn’t always sit well with the moderation team. Oh, wait… there isn’t a team. It’s just one guy, diligently wielding his Weighted Flags of Righteousness™ to uphold the party line with the precision of a hyperactive mall cop chasing a shoplifter.

But I digress. Let’s get back to what matters: FreePBX and the open-source ideals it’s supposed to stand for. My original questions—about Sangoma’s stewardship, transparency, and accountability—remain unanswered. Instead of fostering dialogue, we’ve seen a crackdown on dissent that would make Orwell blush. For a community built on open collaboration, this feels like a page out of the Closed Source for Dummies playbook.

I’d also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported me during my “time out.” Your words of encouragement remind me that this community still has a backbone, even if its moderation policies do not.

Now, to address the elephant in the room: Yes, I asked ChatGPT to assist in reviewing and crafting this post. Why? Because when navigating the nuanced waters of interpretive moderation, a little algorithmic help ensures my snark is razor-sharp while remaining firmly within the rules. (Not that the rules are always enforced consistently, but I digress… again.)

So here’s the deal:

If you’re here to discuss ideas, collaborate, or genuinely improve FreePBX, let’s get to it.

If you’re here to suppress dialogue with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, you’re going to have a busy day.

To the “moderation team” (all one of you): My flags are ready. Let’s dance.

Yours in open source,


Welcome back!


@jfinstrom you have been truly missed, and thank you for returning I am grateful your love and dedication to FreePBX outweighs the sheriff, not liking what you say.


This aged well. Ouch.