TFTP Boot Files in asterisk

Hello all, maybe I missed it somewhere in the forums… I’m trying to find the boot files for the sip phones, they use to show in /tftpboot, but I can’t seem to find them in my new server. Can anyone tell me where they are now? New server is Asterisk FreePBX


Well I did a reboot on the system and now I can see them in WinSCP. Not sure what was up with that???

Two questions, why would you be using WinSCP to look at files? It is an offline reader and easy to get out of sync. It should be used for moving filed from PC to Linux and the other way around and nothing else.

Basic Linux commands are a must, ‘ls’ or list displays contents of the current directory or the directory specified.

If you need some type of interface try Midnight Commander, it’s a Norton Commander like shell for Linux.