TCP Dump file location?

Where in winscp do I find the sip-trace.pcap file that was created?

  1. Log into the server using SSH
  2. Run the command “tcpdump -s 0 -i any -w sip-trace.pcap”
  3. Reproduce your issue
  4. Stop the tcpdump using CTRL+C
  5. Log into the server using WINSCP and download the file “sip-trace.pcap”

In the home directory of user that you used to login.

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This creates sip-trace.pcap in whatever working directory you were in at the time. Likely the home directory of that user, ~/

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You can also do

tcpdump -s 0 -i any -w /path/to/directory/sip-trace.pcap

To store it in a different folder

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I ended up putting them in a separate folder and they appeared. Leaving them in the original home directory I never could find them.

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