TAPI Error using Activa TAPI interface


I am trying to use the Activa TAPI to allow me to do “click-to-Call” from Outlook. I have installed the Activa application and configured a manager user.

But, I cannot get Asterisk to originate a call when dialing using Outlook.

The response seems to be a generic failure returned to Activa from Asterisk (line time stamped 02/05/11 18:09:23 refers). The login is OK so my user is fine, but the exchange between Activa TAPI and the server fails. However the error does not indicate what the generic failure is.

I am using FreePBX 2.8.0. My Asterisk is The Activa version is $Revision: 518 $. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get this to work?

The Asterisk console does not show anything except the successful login and logout of the TAPI user. I have looked at the asterisk logs in /var/Iog/asterisk and cannot see anything in the asterisk logs referring to the exchange. Below is the log from the TAPI interface. I have included a complete exchange from login to close.

02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] TSPI_lineOpen() dwDeviceID=0x5 htLine=0x10377
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] INFO [ASTProvider] Connect(,5038,asttapi,anthony)
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] ASTProvider::SendCommand =>
Action: Login
UserName: asttapi
Secret: xxxxxx
ActionID: 3
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] TRACE [ASTProvider] ASTProvider::ReaderProc
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] TRACE [ASTProvider] Asterisk protocol header: Asterisk Call Manager/1.1
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] TRACE [ASTProvider] <== asterisk protocol response__________________________
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] Connect() returns ok
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCstaProvider] ASTCstaProvider::OpenMonitor device = SIP/201 => 201
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCallMap] first monitor for this device: {201,2}
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] AddTapiLine xref=2 htapiLine=0x10377 pTapiLine=0x331e220
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TSP] TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs hdLine=00000002
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] TSPI_lineMakeCall() hdLine=0x2, htCall=0x10355, phdCall=0x31335f8, CalledDevice=T096260438
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] filtered calledDevice T096260438 => 096260438
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] Reading NOANSWERTIMEOUT 0
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] UserData not found
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] creating TapiCall 0x331e308 with htCall 0x10355
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] ASTTapiProvider::AddTapiCall pNewTapiCall=0x331e308 callId=3, htapicall=0x10355, callerId=SIP/201, calledId=096260438 userData=
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] first TapiCall for this callid: [3] => 0x331e308
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] Executing MakeCall
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCallMap] AddConnectionToCallModel {3, SIP/201} => INITIALIZED
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCallMap] done, now CALL map has 1 items
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] ASTProvider::Originate call 3 channel:SIP/201 callerId:SIP/201 to calledExtension:096260438 in context:from-internal, callerIdName=Anthony Callanan timeout=30
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] ASTProvider::SendCommand =>
Action: Originate Channel: SIP/201
Exten: 096260438
Priority: 1
Callerid: Anthony Callanan #CallId=3 <SIP/201>
Context: from-internal
Variable: originating=SIP/201
ActionID: 4
Timeout: 30000
Async: 1
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] TRACE [ASTProvider] <== asterisk protocol response__________________________
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] generic_failure
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] WARN [TAPIProvider] MakeCall failed, returning LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] ASTTapiProvider::RemoveTapiCall hdrivercall=0x331e308
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] call had callid=3
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] …with 1 associated hdrvrcalls
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] delete htcall 0x10355 and hdrvCall 0x331e308
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] deleted the last htapicall and the set of callid 3
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] TSPI_lineClose() hdLine=0x2
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] RemoveTapiLine hdrvLine=0x2
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] was SIP/201
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCstaProvider] ASTCstaProvider::CloseMonitor xref = 2
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCallMap] erase xref map entry
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCallMap] erase extension map entry
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTCstaProvider] return 1!
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] INFO [TAPIProvider] Disconnect socked and clear callmaps because no line is open.
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] INFO [ASTProvider] Socket recv code = -1
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] INFO [ASTProvider] Error code 10053, The virtual circuit was terminated due to a time-out or other failure. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable.
02/05/11 18:09:23 [1068] TRACE [ASTProvider] ASTProvider::ReaderProc EXITS
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] INFO [ASTProvider] Socket closed without errors.
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [ASTProvider] WaitReaderThread => Thread terminated nicely
02/05/11 18:09:23 [2208] TRACE [TAPIProvider] CallMapCleanup() cleaning maps

Any help would be appreciated.




thanks for the tip. that fixed it!


hi anthony,

i found a solution to solve your ploblem. i know the post is even old (http://www.freepbx.org/forum/freepbx/users/tapi-error-using-activa-tapi-interface), but maybe my answer is useful for other people. :wink:

you have to customize the connection in the manager.conf like this. i think the options are not quiet scure, but it works!

secret = your secret
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate

i also found this article useful…

greets, gerd http://datenstrom.at