Tailscale and firewall

Hello everybody, I was hoping to get some assistance from someone with regards to Tailscale and Freepbx 16.

I have successfully installed the subnet feature on one of the servers and can Access the internal devices of that network for example behind this PBX, without any issues. This is an old server, and I don’t remember changing anything in the firewall, besides allowing Tailscale to be trusted.

I have tried a similar installation on a clients machine so that I could troubleshoot issues. However, firewall seems to be blocking the subnets.

If I reboot the machine, which puts the firewall into a suspended state for five minutes I can access the submit and the machines behind it however, as soon as those five minutes are over I’ll lose connection.

If anyone can assist, please let me know

Hi there yes this is correct however I cannot understand why subnets will work if the pbx has been restarted and the firewall is temporarily disabled.

Because the iptables will change between those states

before iptables -L -n > a after iptables -L -n > b then diff a b

It works because your firewall is disabled. If your firewall is turned on, then you need to add the exceptions in order for it to work.

Thank you for this can you advise on how to go about adding this rule.

Which rule?, there are apparently several in that link I posted, what firewall are you using ?

How to add the rule port 443 to Tailscale

in your iptables list of rules

@dicko I really appreciate your extreme knowledge and understanding of Freepbx and I am know way as cleeed up as you are. May I kindly ask you to brake it down please.

Conectivity / firewall / rules for example

Well if you are using the firewall module then you can start here - https://wiki.freepbx.org/display/FPG/Firewall+Permissions

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Thanks just like the other machine Tailscale is set to be a trusted network. I am able to reach the machine on both the Tailscale address and local network one. What it won’t allow me to do is to access other devices once firewall is running

where are the ´ other devices’ ,network wise

Hi. On the same subnet

Hi guys
Anyone got any ideas? Really need to find a way to get this to work.

Hi guys just checking if any one got any suggestions here.

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