System Admin Pro - Updates question

I’d like to say that the system admin pro module is very helpful, and allows setting up ftp provisioning, email, and other notifications extremely easy.

My questions is that in the documentation, it claims to have GUI support for Updates. I don’t know if I am just blind, but I went back to update a few of the installs, but I do not see the Updates menu as depicted in the documentation? Sorry, if this has been addressed elsewhere, but I did a few searches and I didn’t see anything pertaining to my issue.

It’s not a huge deal as I normally just use the patch scripts, but since it is an advertised feature, I thought I would ask here.

Thanks for your time.

Open, SysAdmin Pro, then select Updates from the menu on the right side of your screen.SysAdmin Pro Updates

If there are FreePBX Distro updates available you can install them directly from the GUI, or schedule them for a maintenance window.

SysAdmin Pro Upgrade


Here is what I see with a system I just installed, its the same for all of them. I dont see the Updates menu option.

PBX Firmware: 5.211.65-1
PBX Service Pack:

Go into module admin and make sure all of your modules are up to date.

That means you are not on a FreePBX Distro system. It only displays that option if using a Genuine FreePBX Distro system.

All my modules are up to date as far as I can tell. No new updates are showing up. I have uninstalled all the commercial modules I am not using, but the system admin module is up to date.

System Admin :

I have only ever used the FreePBX Distro ISO from

The screenshot above was taken from a system I just installed yesterday using this image: FreePBX-5.211.65-1-i386-Full-1387164756.img (USB)… but I do have few other systems I installed that are having the same issue on the older distro track.

PBX Firmware: 4.211.64-9
PBX Service Pack:

Thanks for your help guys.

Then you must be telling us its not a FreePBX Distro system in the portal. I bet you picked something else for system type. You can change the system type under the deployment in the portal.

Ok, I must be doing something wrong then. When I create a new customer to tie a deployment to , the only options I have are OSS. Is that what you are talking about? If not, can you please explain the correct steps for me?

You should try to register directly from sysadmin, it detects your deployment type and automatically provides the correct information. Send me a PM with the deployment ID/name and I’ll take a look at the registration type for you.

You should have a Deployment Type and be able to pick from different options and 1 of them is FreePBX Distro

PM sent.

I dont recall seeing a spot to change the deployment type… I guess I need to pay more attention the next time I set one up. :slight_smile:

I have the same issue as moodinsk. When setting up the license through the system admin from FreePbx you are automatically given the system type of OSS Registered. You can not change that system type once it is setup.