Sync Backup


I have configured a sync backup using warm server so when I run backup it fails the restore part.
The error I am getting is

We Have triggered an API to restore the backup on Spare Server

In CurlFactory.php line 201:

cURL error 60: Issuer certificate is invalid. (see

backup [–backup BACKUP] [–externbackup EXTERNBACKUP] [–dumpextern DUMPEXTERN] [–transaction TRANSACTION] [–list] [–warmspare] [–implemented] [–filestore FILESTORE] [–restore RESTORE] [–restorelegacycdr] [–ignoremodules IGNOREMODULES] [–modules MODULES] [–restoresingle RESTORESINGLE] [–backupsingle BACKUPSINGLE] [–singlesaveto SINGLESAVETO] [–b64import B64IMPORT] [–fallback] [–useinfiledb] [–skiprestorehooks] [–skipbindport] [–skipdns] [–skipremotenat] [–skiptrunksandroutes]

The other server (the one you are not seeing this error on) has an invalid certificate.

Please help me with below error

Finished created backup file: xyz.tar.gz
Performing Local Maintenance
Finished Local Maintenance
Performing Remote Maintenance
Could not login with username: root, host: xxxx.xx.xx.xx
Finished Remote Maintenance
Saving to selected Filestore locations
Saving to: SSH:‘inspbxprdv02’ instance ,File location: /var/spool/asterisk/backup/SyncBackupinspbxprdv02/xyz.tar.gz
Finished Saving to selected Filestore locations
There were errors during the backup process
Could not login with username: root, host: xxxx.xx.xx.xx

By default many distros do not allow root to ssh globally, you can change that, but not a great idea unless you know what you are really doing, you are best setting up a remote user to handle transfers, and just make sure the access to their home dir is 700, some distros STILL allow access because they stupidly default to allowing /home/public_html … sigh…

If you really can only login as root for some weird reason and cant create a user account on the remote machine, and because its not a good idea, I wont publish how, but google will no doubt tell you, I suggest doing a temporary allow, login, create and setup ssh keys, relogin in on all methods ( hostname, IP, etc) and confirm your key and go back to googles instructions and reverse them dissallowing global ssh root access

or simply setup public keys and disable any other logins.

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