Switching from 3CX to FreePBX

Hello. We need to replace the 3CX system with FreePBX. I have transferred all local phone numbers. They’re calling. But I can’t configure external phone numbers. In any case, city numbers under the old system are issued without registration. Direct access to the city. Sorry for Google translator

Hi and welcome abord.

What’s the FreePBX version?
What are the steps you did to configure your FreePBX system?


What connection method are you using? I came from 3CX myself. I left long ago when they stopped including decent stuff without buying pro. Welcome. are you using a siptrunk? any information as to what truck/pots you are using would be helpful. Normally I just set up DIDs with extensions. Some cases, some carriers need different things setup which is why we need more info.



Filled out by Trunk. Added to the General section: Trunk name, outbound callerID. In pjsip settings: sip server, sip server port

I’m wondering what data I need to take from 3CX and what data I need to take from the provider in order for the system to work and how it can be checked without disconnecting the old one (so that employees do not lose contact).
Since I am new to IP telephony

Is this an on-premise system or cloud? Is it a siptrunk? You wont be able to have them both concurrently connected, and registered unless you have a spare or test trunk through your provider.

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This is a local system. Yes, as I understand it, the settings go well, but I could be wrong. I’m still waiting for information from the provider. Is it possible to check locally whether the trunk system is working?

is there a local SBC that the PBX connects to for the trunk? Is your system running on chan sip or PJ sip? who is the sip provider? it might already have been configured here on the forum and you can reference?

The system isn’t running yet, and they should not even think of using chan_sip.